-----Original Message-----
From: Gww1210@aol.com
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 00:05:48 -0400
Subject: RE: Your grievance against Illinois attroneys Shelton and Younes
To: RGreggio@iardc.org, Information@iardc.org, RoJoe69@yahoo.com,
    PKing@khl-law.com, PMSA136@aol.com, PLShelton@SBCGlobal.net,
CC: RBader@iardc.org, EAWelsh@iardc.org, Webmaster@iardc.org,
    AndjelkoGalic@Hotmail.com, AGForeclosureDefense@Gmail.com,
    gww1210@gmail.com, Gww12102002@yahoo.com, GordonWayneWatts@aol.com,

Atty. Greggio:
Here is my response: it is the PDF attachment, titled: "IARDC-reply-of-GordonWayneWatts.pdf" -- It is a signed original, with a scanned image of my physical signature, if that would be needed. Furthermore, I am available by telephone (main: 863-688-9880 or alternate 863-409-2109) should you need to depose me or obtain a taped statement, and, now that Mr. Richard B. Daniggelis (now homeless, due to this mortgage fraud) has learned how to use his voice mail, you might call him at 312-774-4742, and get a statement from him on this head.
The other five attachments are supporting documents (for a total of six (6) attachments in my reply). While they may "look familiar," please be advised that some, if not all, of them are more updated versions of that which I have already submitted to you.
Other than a pull of the record from the courthouse (which would be needed to verify my claims that my own exhibits are authentic - and not themselves forgeries - as I allege with regard to others), you may rely fully upon the supporting docs in this email attachment. **However** -- while I, myself, know the exhibits in my filings are authentic, nonetheless, it would be necessary to compare the exhibits in my own filings with those official filings already "on record" in the four (4) cases referenced in this matter, the 2004 Deutch Bank case, the two "2007-CH-29738" cases (one in Chancery and one in LAW, but with identical case numbers), and, of course, the 2014 case in the Civil Division. Then, you can see things like the 2 Warranty Deeds with **identical** signatures - one of the issues I raise, and for which anyone has yet to receive an explanation from the key players.
There were a few new turns of events that might partially or fully exonerate Mr. Shelton, thus possibly making Mr. Younes the "likely suspect," but this investigation is still early - just a heads up on the new twists & turns. -- please find enclosed my replies.
PS: In other conversations, Atty. King was kind enough to authorise me to represent to the court that he would consent to electronic (email) service in regards to the ongoing court cases; I'm not sure if that applies here, and none of the other participants made such representations. (I do, however, intend to serve all parties hard copies - "just to be on the safe side" - if I am able.)
Gordon W. Watts
In a message dated 8/17/2015 5:42:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, RGreggio@iardc.org <Atty. Rita C. Greggio, Esq.> writes:

Mr. Watts,


Am the attorney investigating your grievances against attorneys Younes and Shelton.


I attempted calling you at the numbers listed on your website but was unable to reach you.  I’d like to discuss your request for investigation with you.  Can you please call me at 312-540-5209, at your convenience, to discuss these matters? I am in the office Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. (central time zone).


Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.




Rita C. Greggio

Litigation Counsel

Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission

130 E. Randolph Dr., Suite 1500

Chicago, IL 60601

Telephone: 312.540.5209



Gordon Wayne Watts, editor-in-chief, The Register
www.GordonWayneWatts.com / www.GordonWatts.com
BS, The Florida State University, Biological & Chemical Sciences;
Class of 2000, double major with honours
AS, United Electronics Institute, Class of 1988, Valedictorian

821 Alicia Road, Lakeland, FL 33801-2113
Home:(863)688-9880 Work: (863)686-3411 Voice&FAX:(863)687-6141 Cell:(863)409-2109
See also: http://Gordon_Watts.Tripod.com/consumer.html
Gww1210@aol.com ; Gww12102002@Yahoo.com

Truth is the strongest, most stable force in the Universe

Truth doesn't change because you disbelieve it

TRUTH doesn't bend to the will of tyrants
http://GordonWayneWatts.com / http://GordonWatts.com
Get Truth

"First, they [Nazis] came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me."(Martin Niemöller, given credit for a quotation in The Harper Religious and Inspirational Quotation Companion, ed. Margaret Pepper(New York: Harper &Row, 1989), 429 -as cited on page 44, note 17,of Religious Cleansing in the American Republic, by Keith A. Fornier,Copyright 1993, by Liberty, Life, and Family Publications.

Some versions have Mr. Niemöller saying: "Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant"; other versions have him saying that they came for Socialists, Industrialists, schools, the press,and/or the Church; however, it's certain he DID say SOMETHING like this. Actually, they may not have come for the Jews first, as it's more likely they came for the prisoners, mentally handicapped, &other so-called "inferiors" first -as historians tell us-so they could get "practiced up"; however, they did come for them -due to the silence of their neighbors -and due in part to their own silence. So: "
Speak up now or forever hold your peace!"-GWW