-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Watts <gww1210@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:24:32 -0400
Subject: Re: In reply to Kyle Glenn: cc: Melissa Robel
To: "Robel, Melissa" <Melissa.Robel@mail.house.gov>, Kyle Glenn <Kyle.P.Glenn@gmail.com>,
    kyle.glenn@mail.house.gov, "Gww1210@aol.com" <gww1210@aol.com>,
    Gordon Watts <gww1210@gmail.com>
Cc: Tim.Cummings@mail.house.gov, Joni.Shocke@mail.house.gov,
    bill.thompson@theledger.com, lenore.devore@theledger.com,
    lenore.beecken@theledger.com, kevin.drake@ledgermediagroup.com,
    kevin.drake@theledger.com, lynne.maddox@theledger.com,


Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, and thank you for being honest with me with regard to what Congressman Dennis Ross really supports legislatively: I would rather hear an "unpleasant truth" than mere patronising flattery. When we spoke, you told me that Dennis does not (and never to your knowledge) supported bankruptcy for college loans in his legislative acts; however, he verbally supported this (and, even, one other measure to preventatively address the higher-ed bubble, e.g., getting our tax dollars out of higher ed loans in the 1st place) in a recent THM (town hall meeting).

Pursuant to your request to provide you proof of his public stated positions on these 2 issues, please see these links, which are for the 'unabridged' version of my recent Ledger guest column, and with slightly more detail & cited sources to verify. At http://GordonWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html and http://GordonWayneWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html see e.g., source citation #2; there is a written transcript there, of the THM in question. Moreover, at that citation, there are links to several download mirrors for a copy of the discussion, but I will explicitly list them here, for your convenience:

To listen, with notation, here are video links:
* https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=D7Z9wWWjTJo (13:11 length on YouTube)
* https://www.Facebook.com/GordonWayneWatts/videos/10207696141426468 (13:11 length on Facebook)
To explicitly download a copy, here are various mirrors in 2 formats:
“Student Loan and College Debt crisis Town Hall question,” by GordonWayneWatts, Published on Jul 13, 2014 – Cached at:
* www.GordonWatts.com/FannyDeregulation/DennisRoss-TeleTHM-Wed21May2014_WMV.wmv (right-click to save)
* www.GordonWatts.com/FannyDeregulation/DennisRoss-TeleTHM-Wed21May2014_WMV_mobile-phone-mpeg4.mp4 (right-click to save)
* www.GordonWayneWatts.com/FannyDeregulation/DennisRoss-TeleTHM-Wed21May2014_WMV.wmv (right-click to save)
* www.GordonWayneWatts.com/FannyDeregulation/DennisRoss-TeleTHM-Wed21May2014_WMV_mobile-phone-mpeg4.mp4 (right-click to save)

I've reattached 2 versions of my recent guest column, which makes reference to this THM:

** "TheLedger-Online-PDF-FairUse-cache-WATTS-GuestColumn-Thr04Aug2016.pdf" is merely a reprise for reference.
** "GWW-commentary-college-loan-debt.pdf" has a scan-image of a print version (as opposed to the online text PDF above), but I've added Scriptural commentary. -- I am not telling anyone how to believe, as this is a personal choice, but since Dennis and many, if not all, of his office believe the Judeo-Christian Bible, here are binding standards and references)
** "Tue-13-Sept-2016-email-from-RepDennisRoss.pdf" is a copy of an email reply that Congressman Ross' office just sent me, apparently from legislative correspondent, Tim Cummings, writing, as dictated by Rep. Ross. (I'm only guessing at the name inference from the initials, but his is the only 'TC' name that fits.)

When speaking with Bill Thompson, the Ledger's Opinions editor, he explicitly told me in no uncertain terms that he trusted & believed my version of events, but that, since he had a duty as a member of the press to cite his sources (I'm paraphrasing from memory what Bill said), he needed proof. Since I'm a news reporter, "just like Bill," I knew the importance (and correctness) of what he asked of me, and so I provided him verification & documentation (see transcript below), which is why he eventually trusted my claims sufficient to have my guest column published.

A few thoughts:

1. You told me that Kyle Glenn (Dennis' dep. chief of staff), Dennis himself, and all of you appreciated my input, and had the highest respect for me (my paraphrase of what you said) - and, for that, you have my gratitude. Likewise, in the unabridged version of my column (at http://GordonWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html and http://GordonWayneWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.htmland links on my front-page news), I did not spare anything when listing numerous examples of how Dennis acted with honour & integrity, bravely doing the right thing, when no one was looking, even at a high cost in some cases (think: former Fla. Speaker, Marco Rubio booting Ross & one other poor chap, from committees, for defending tax dollars against yet another bad investment, Citizen's Insurance, in this case). -- So, I meet you halfway, and despite Dennis' legislative screw-ups (including sometimes voting on bills that spend more than we make -- and, in this case, apparently flip-flopping on core Conservative higher-ed issues, without explanation), I hold him (and you all) in the highest esteem, and wish you carry my own weight, making your jobs easier.

2. If Dennis really did say this then either [[a]] he flip-flopped (internal inconsistency, as a "relative" standard to his past statements) or rather, perhaps [[b]] he misspoke (and was inconsistent when using "absolute truth" as a standard). Let's look at both of these:

[[a]] Maybe Dennis changed his mind, but if he did, his constituents deserve an answer. (Moreover, as I had 2, not 1, legislative request -- I am unclear on what point is a point of disagreement.)

Aside: It was not just "my" legislative request, but that of many others (45 to 50 Million by some estimates, who are hurting by oppressive college debt), to get at least bankruptcy (and many are calling for free college, far beyond my request, and they have a good argument. Moreover, while I don't support 'free' college (I'm a right-winger Conservative Republican Christian, remember?), the 'Liberals' ARE CORRECT in their requests for 'free' college - for no less than 2 reasons: First, American DID have FREE college in the past: “Was college once free in United States, as Bernie Sanders says?,” PolitiFact, RATED “Mostly True” - By Amy Sherman on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. http://www.PolitiFact.com/florida/statements/2016/feb/09/bernie-s/was-college-once-free-united-states-and-it-oversea -- Secondly, Germany DOES have free college at this time: "The level of the fees [in the Hanseatic City State of Hamburg, Germany] was lowered to EUR375 and payment was only due after graduating, and only if graduates were earning a pre-tax annual salary in excess of EUR30,000 (US$41,000)."
"GERMANY: Hamburg to scrap tuition fees," by: Michael Gardner, UniversityWorldNews.com, 25 September 2011, Issue No:190 * http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20110923212949476 ------- So, if 'free' college is defensible, how much more, my modest calls for balancing the load.

Put another way, at present, taxpayers (who back these toxic loans) and students (who find it almost impossible to pay off such odiously-heavy debts) carry all the load, and rich banks, universities (think: Albert Lord of Sallie Mae makes like 70 MILLION... or is is BILLION, per year?) carry almost NONE of the load with unreasonable tuition. -- Melissa, that would be like me asking you to stand on one leg all day, and hold the other leg in the air instead. (That would be VERY unhealthy: You should let your bodyweight be BALANCED between BOTH of your legs, and not all on "one or the other," but that is what is going on with higher-ed debt.)

[[b]] If Dennis misspoke, I would like that shown to me. Many Liberals and Democrat opponents would call Dennis a liar, and deceptive, and protective of the rich banks and Million Dollar University presidents & lenders... I don't believe Dennis is dishonest, in the least, but that is precisely the message the GOP are sending to the public, giving us a bad name.

When Dennis made a call for a "clean" ZIKA bill, even tho the GOP wanted to put riders on to defund Planned Parenthood (with which I agree, as I'm a right-wing pro-life nut, like most of us here are), Dennis asked for a 'clean' bill without riders -- and he "reached out" to Liberals, and showed them that he can support their views --and (more-importantly) did so without supporting bad legislation or crippling our economy.

3. It is immoral for Dennis to be 'OK' with all his rich buddies being allowed to file bankruptcy, and the same with irresponsible Credit Card users (which is a 'comparable' debt, as it, too, has no collateral), but to deny students. (Whether you agree with the Bible verses in my commentary or not, you do have a conscience, and should agree here.)

4 Besides being immoral, it's also impractical, since (as Dennis pointed out in our THM, in the vid) U.S. Tax $$ back (guarantee) these loans, which is why I am boldly predicting that lack of action on your part will result in the US Dollar Crashing. (MATH: College Debt, which has surpassed Credit Card Debt, for the 1st time ever, is like 1.5 TRILLION, and almost TEN PERCENT of total Nat'l Debt: It WILL crash the US Dollar making the Bible's Revelation 6:6 come to pass, which predicts you'll need a day's wages for a day's food.)

5. It's impractical also since it makes Republicans look like fools, like bullies that protect the rich and who don't keep their word to do what they say they believe in doing. (And, I add: We've tried it your way, and all that keeps happening is tuition keeps spiraling out of control. Try it my way, for once: What to you have to lose? What in the world do you have to lose!? -- America was great, back then. Follow my call, and Make America Great Again - where college is, once again, affordable.)

6. It is Unconstitutional - for no less than 2 reasons, and you, as a lawyer (you have your JD, right?), should know:

[[A]] University of Connecticut law professor Philip Shuchman testified before Congress, explaining that their removal of bankruptcy from college loans violated Federal Equal Protection: (source 1) * (source 2) * (1st cached archive)
(2nd cached archive)

[[B]] Current US Bankruptcy law violates Art. I Sec. 8, Clause 4 of the US Constitution (the so-called uniformity clause), which ONLY permits "uniform" bankruptcy law - and US law is anything BUT uniform -- Observe: "The Congress shall have Power...To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States." http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_transcript.html

[[C]] Actually, the terms of my loan contract were ILLEGALLY changed after the fact, which is quite illegal, as you well know. (You just try entering into a contract with ANYBODY about ANYTHING, and try to change the terms without their permission. Just you try it... Not happening -- unless, of course, the victim is the poor, weak college student.)

[[D]] Also, student were not told of the lack of  bankruptcy and other 'standard' consumer protections when taking out the loan (which happened because Truth in Lending requirements were removed). This violated fundamental Federal Due Process, as it is a law void for vagueness and there is lack of notice. (See my attached legal filing to jog your memory. You, Dennis, and Joni, are all 3 layers, and should understand the truth to these claims.)

[[E]] As documented in my commentary (in the email attachments in this email), I lost a 4-3 split decision before the Florida Supreme Court in the infamous 'Terri Schiavo' (feeding tube) girl, and it got past the clerk (who screens out unmeritorious filings) and was reviewed on the merits before the FULL FLORIDA SUPREME COURT. Jeb Bush, by contrast, lost 7-0, before the same panel of justices. Even Schiavo's blood family didn't do as well as me. So, it's safe to say that I'm "smarter than a 5th grader" in legal matters, and I stand by both 'A' and 'B' above - and add some to that, as well:

"Is the Mark Tetzlaff Case Over at the Supreme Court? Maybe Not., Posted by: Gordon Wayne Watts (Guest Post) (Debt Articles, Student Loan Bankruptcy Discharge), GetOutOfDebt.org, March 23, 2016 * mirror 1 cache * mirror 2 cache
See also the email attachment: "LEGAL-Tetzlaff-Intervention-GordonWayneWatts.pdf"

Look, I could ask for 'free' college (and have a VERY STRONG argument! - both on moral grounds, as well as precedent, here & abroad, and - actually, it would cost less taxpayer $$, in the long-run), but I'm not: I'm merely asking for modest measures, as outlined in my guest column (and discussed in this Editorial are stored in this opens-source folder: BILLS/ mirror: BILLS/.)

The Ledger, apparently, agrees: "Editorial: Though well intended, we cannot afford Clinton's college giveaway"
(News) "Recent high school grads without college degrees struggle in job market"

Lastly, since I'm already on IBR (Income-based repayment) and am paying 10% of my discretionary income (which is 10% of ZERO - e.g., I'm not paying anything), I have nothing to gain by calling for reform. (In fact, Melissa, I might actually see my payments go UP if I keep "messing around," so I have no personal bias, and 'nothing to gain' -- no conflict of interest -- But: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - or the one." So, I act, for greater good - even against my self-interest: It's not "all about Gordon," or "all about Dennis," or "all about Melissa," let's remember.)

Look, we've tried it your way, and see how well that turned out... maybe we listen to old 'Flash' and give it a try? Again - what do you have to lose?

OK, I've granted your request, I hope. - If there's anything else that I can do to help you here, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I'll give it my best try.

Melissa, here are excerpts from the THM: “ANNOUNCER: (music) Welcome to the tele-forum conference centre. Please enter your tele-forum ID code, followed by the pound key now. (touch-tones) This tele-forum powered by Broadnet is currently in progress. Please note that this [public tele-TownHall Meeting] call may be monitored, recorded, or rebroadcast...CONGRESSMAN ROSS: 'We need leadership...not from behind but [rather] leadership from the front...OK, ah, if you have a question, press star three (*3)...Ah, Gordon in Lakeland.' GORDON WAYNE WATTS: 'Hey, how's it going, Dennis?' DENNIS ROSS: 'Good, how are you doing?' GORDON WAYNE WATTS: 'Before I ask my question, I wanted to remind most of the people who have probably forgotten [how he recognised me from long ago, and made me feel welcome, at one prior Town Hall Meeting, in spite of knowing how hard my THM typically questions are]...[I ask about updates on unrelated Immigration free-hotel scams]...' CONGRESSMAN ROSS:'Gordon, I can't tell you right now, but I'm going to have that staff person get back with you. GORDON WAYNE WATTS: 'Um hmm... Could I ask another question, real quickly, if I could...I know we've discussed this before, and you were good enough to put up [with my hard questions] and what-not, but... uh, you – you...you could file for bankruptcy, if you went in debt, uh... Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy for Millions...[but] College Students can almost never file for bankruptcy. And, you know me – I'm Conservative: I don't want an easy way out. But the Free Market forces,... but the ability to file for bankruptcy in the financial world is like the Second Amendment in the physical world: The [college] student is unable to defend himself – and the Predatory Lending, and inflation of the tuition results. [And the reasons?] The Liberals made the loans easily available. And the so-called 'Conservatives' removed the Bankruptcy Protections, which is [sic: 'are'] the 'Economic Second Amendment'. And, I don't think that it's fair that everyone in the world can file for Bankruptcy, except a College Student. And... and, I want a... I mean, Bankruptcy won't [necessarily] get the person off [out of debt] totally – they'll still have to pay something. But that... that violates, uh... the U.S. Constitution's, uh... prohibition against unequal Bankruptcy Law. [E.g., the U.S. Constitution's uniformity clause, Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 4.] It's in the U.S. Constitution about, uh, [how] the U.S. Bankruptcy Laws have to be uniform. And this [law] violates that [clause]. And, of course, it's just morally wrong – that you could file for bankruptcy, Donald Trump can file for bankruptcy, but I can't. And... and, people are ruined! They [student borrowers] are committing suicide in some cases [over this]. And, I would like you to file a bill that just makes them equal with everyone else. I mean, what... what can you tell me about that? CONGRESSMAN ROSS: 'Well, you've recognised a very big problem that we have—and that's having the Government in the business of Student Loans.' GORDON WAYNE WATTS: 'Amen.' CONGRESSMAN ROSS: 'What we had when I was in school were guarantees by the Federal Government that the money that was actually loaned was from banks. It was Private Money that was guaranteed by the Federal Government. The Banks took the initial risk, but they compete...but they competed for my business, and I went to several banks and got the Student Loans. And then I consolidated with Sallie Mae, the student loan mortgage association and eventually paid them off. You know, the other thing that I think [is that] we're being very disingenuous to our students about, uh, is that we're setting them up for failure – not only because of the inability to have any relief, such as setting up a...a Loan Forgiveness to occupations that we need: nurses, doctors, engineers, professions that we desperately need to have in our country – that we could give them a Loan Forgiveness if they commit so much time, uh, in the program for a particular project. But the other thing is, and I've learned this going over and meeting with the Financial Aid director, at the University of South Florida in Tampa, is that we're giving an expectation that you can get as much money, for whatever you need, while you're in school, by way of a loan. And your occupation that you're being trained for may not ever be able to afford to pay back that loan. You may... you may have $150,000.oo in loans, but you may have a job that only pays... that will only pay a maximum of, let's say, $35,000.oo per year over you life. You can't feasible and reasonably pay for that. We're being disingenuous... Look, I think one of the best investments I ever made in my life was in my Education. There's no question about it: If people want to go [to college] they should have their opportunity to go, but we should make it affordable. And we need to get The Government out of the business of loaning the money, because we're loaning taxpayer dollars. We should invite more Private Capitol, we should make it more competitive, and let the banks take the risks : That's what they're in the business of doing! And, if they take the risk, and if a person can't pay back , then we go back to your [prior] Bankruptcy Laws, which, umm... You know, the [current] Bankruptcy Laws right now... If a student does file for Bankruptcy, they can have all other debt discharged—but their Student Loans. So, we're not really doing a good service, either way, uh, by making them over-indebted for their Education. You raise a very good point, and I appreciate that.' GORDON WAYNE WATTS: 'Thanks very much, Dennis.'CONGRESSMAN ROSS: 'Ah... Star-three' (*3) to participate... Ah, because of our late start, to vote [on a selected topic, via touch-tone], uh, we're only going to take one more question...and, we've got Frank in Mulberry (Florida)...[who asks about promises to seal the border and address Immigration problems – redacted for brevity, but accessible in audio links above]...'

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Gordon Watts <gww1210@gmail.com> wrote:
You're welcome - and thank you for your dedication to detail, Melissa.

I know the schedules are short on time and long on "to do" lists (especially given the need to address both a continuing resolution and a clean Zika bill), so hopefully asking Congressman Ross to cosponsor an existing piece of legislation (HR449) which has bipartisan support (and, if possible, -also introduce the loan limits bill I wrote) will be fast - and get a lot of bank for the buck, that is, send a message to all constituents 9especially Liberal Democrats & poor students struggling in poverty) that he has not forgotten them after all these years of unbalanced higher ed funding polices, which cripple our economy and enslave a new generation of students in hopelessly-never-ending debt. -- If I'm not at my home number 863.688.9880, I can be reached via prepaid cell at 863.409.2109.

Hopefully, I've met my lawmakers halfway & made it easy to do their job - and hopefully I didn't add to the weight or noise.

I think I've given all my friends the needed tools, but if there's anything more I can do, I will surely try.


On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Robel, Melissa <Melissa.Robel@mail.house.gov> wrote:



Thanks for your email. I will call you tomorrow.


Thanks again,




From: Gordon Watts [mailto:gww1210@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 1:05 PM
To: Glenn, Kyle; Gww1210@aol.com
Cc: Robel, Melissa; Kyle.P.Glenn@gmail.com; Gordon Watts
Subject: In reply to Kyle Glenn: cc: Melissa Robel


Re: Automatic reply: Thunderclap comments applauding BUT ALSO critical of Con...


OK. Here's a resend. I'm not sure if this is related to the Financial Services Committee, but as it involved ZIKA funding (as one subject) and the use of tax $$ to back (guarantee) college loans (as the other subject, along with the bankruptcy for college loans request), it all appears financial in nature, so I'm forwarding along, as you suggest. -- The original email appears below - and the same attachments have been reattached; see the cc line above & the message below.

PS: I'm re-sending from my GMail account because AOL is acting stupid with this (false) message: "You can only send one e-mail at a time.  Please wait for the current e-mail to be sent, then try again.   (13:03:35)"




In a message dated 9/12/2016 11:53:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Kyle.Glenn@mail.house.gov <Kyle P. Glenn> writes:

Thank you for your message.  I am currently taking some personal time out of the office without access to this email until November 15, 2016.  If you need immediate assistance within the office of Congressman Dennis A. Ross, please contact 202-225-1252


If you have questions related to the Financial Services Committee, please contact Melissa Robel here: Melissa.Robel@mail.house.gov


While I am out of the office, I can also be reached here: Kyle.P.Glenn@gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Gww1210@aol.com <Gordon Wayne Watts>
Date: Monday, 12 September 2016, 11:47:03am -0400 (EST-EDT)
Subject: Thunderclap comments applauding BUT ALSO critical of Congressman Ross
kyle.glenn@mail.house.gov, Gww1210@aol.com
CC: info@electjimlange.com, Joni.Shocke@mail.house.gov,
    bill.thompson@theledger.com, lenore.devore@theledger.com,
    lenore.beecken@theledger.com, kevin.drake@ledgermediagroup.com,
    kevin.drake@theledger.com, lynne.maddox@theledger.com,


In a message dated 9/12/2016 11:47:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Gww1210@aol.com <Gordon W. Watts> writes:



cached here in a 'Fair Use' copy of the article in question:


and referenced here:

in my comments here:


and here:


I applaud and commend Congressman Ross for his call for a clean 'Zika' bill - and I specifically make reference to you, Joni (but I do not mention you by name), and I also reference you, Jim, as a possible recipient of my vote come November 2016 in House race, U.S. District 15.


Since I mention Dennis, Joni (anonymously, but by reference) and Jim Lange (by name), I am sending all 3 of them a copy of my comments -- they are linked above, referenced in several social mediæ (plural of "media"), it is only fair I send you a link (and see the attachments, where it is in 3 different formats).


My email subject line had the word 'Thunderclap' in it because of the use of numerous social media all at once, and as a cumulative effect from past op-eds, columns, & editorials.


When posting to The Lakeland Ledger's forums, I had to break up my comment into "parts," due to character ("word") limitations.


I like Jim, really, I do, but he will not get my vote this November if Dennis acts on the 2 bills in question, signing on (cosponsoring HR449 or a similar bill) as well as the Loan Limits bill I made up out of thin air (and attached - also - in this email, in a reprise of my prior call). -- I appreciate Dennis' attempts in past bills, but, really, things like HR1911 -- that bill was horrible, and, as one other Congressman put it https://BobbyScott.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/scott-statement-on-hr-1911-the-making-college-more-expensive-act he titled his blog entry as "Scott Statement on H.R. 1911, the "Making College More Expensive Act," and frankly, I agree, and that is a chief reason why Conservative Review here https://www.ConservativeReview.com/members/dennis-ross/liberty-card/ gives Dennis such a low score.


In particular, Dennis voted "for" HR1911 http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll426.xml but Conservative Review held that **against** him https://www.conservativereview.com/members/dennis-ross/issue-votes/ -- it's pretty bad when some miscellaneous Democrat (Rep. Bobby Scott, D-VA-3rd) is more conservative than Dennis. -- Even if HR1911 'helped' interest rates, it's the *principal* of the loan that's the problem, not the interest. -- I know time is short, but really... how long does it take to cosponsor an existing good HR449 bill, one with bipartisan support - and possibly introduce my reverse-Boehner bill?


-- Things like this alienate most voters, struggling under heavy college debt, where a congressman puts on a horse and pony show, but does nothing of substance. Dennis really cares about us, and I have faith he can honour his commitments - and do better. College students have gotten victimised by Unconstitutional bankruptcy law for far too long.


Gordon Wayne Watts


Gordon Wayne Watts, editor-in-chief, The Register
 www.GordonWayneWatts.com / www.GordonWatts.com
BS, The Florida State University, Biological & Chemical Sciences
AS, United Electronics Institute

821 Alicia Road, Lakeland, FL 33801-2113
Home: (863) 688-9880
Work: (863) 686-3411 Voice&FAX: (863) 687-6141 Cell: (863)409-2109
See also:
Gww1210@aol.com ; Gww12102002@Yahoo.com

Truth is the strongest, most stable force in the Universe

Truth doesn't change because you disbelieve it

TRUTH doesn't bend to the will of tyrants
www.GordonWayneWatts.com / www.GordonWatts.com
Get Truth.

"First, they [Nazis] came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me." (Martin Niemöller, given credit for a quotation in The Harper Religious and Inspirational Quotation Companion, ed. Margaret Pepper (New York: Harper &Row, 1989), 429 -as cited on page 44, note 17, of Religious Cleansing in the American Republic, by Keith A. Fornier, Copyright 1993, by Liberty, Life, and Family Publications.

Some versions have Mr. Niemöller saying: "Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant"; other versions have him saying that they came for Socialists, Industrialists, schools, the press, and/or the Church; however, it's certain he DID say SOMETHING like this. Actually, they may not have come for the Jews first, as it's more likely they came for the prisoners, mentally handicapped, & other so-called "inferiors" first -as historians tell us -so they could get "practiced up"; however, they did come for them -due to the silence of their neighbors -and due in part to their own silence. So: "
Speak up now or forever hold your peace!"-GWW