1. Which issues would you like our field staffers to speak to voters about?
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1. Which issues would you like our field staffers to speak to voters about?
Chairman Priebus: First off, I'm the guy who almost won in court for Terri Schiavo all by myself (Google my name, if you would: I lost 4-3 before the same court that denied Jeb Bush 7-0, so I'm a true heavyweight Conservative, OK? I'm the 'real' Gordon Wayne Watts in LAKELAND: contact me; Google me, etc., ask around, if you doubt!!) .. As I was saying, you ask this QUESTION: “Which issues would you like our field staffers to speak to voters about?” —GORDON's ANSWER: Don't you know that like 1-in-2 households are ADVERSELY affected by CRU$HING college debt, or are you so out-of-touch that you don't care? While "Crazy Bernie" Sanders & his free-handout followers ARE CORRECT that American used to have FREE college (or VERY affordable) and, America had the **best** HigherEd in the world, (and, another thing: GERMANY currently has both FREE and very low-cost college – and BETTER THAN OURS!!, so don't say it's impossible or unaffordable), thus proving the Liberals right "in principle"; however, I am NOT a free-handout liberal, and I know America can't **currently** afford 'free' college (at this time), but if Donald Trump (and deadbeat Credit Card) users can file for BANKRUPTCY, why not tell Trump and Republican candidates nationwide to advocate COLLEGE students ALSO be able to have bankruptcy. – Mr. Priebus, you SAY you're a 'conservative,' right, but I've never heard you admit that Bankruptcy is a Conservative FREE MARKET check against predatory lending. Moreover, ALL true-North Conservatives (such as former Sec.Ed Bill Bennett) admit that subsidies (such as huge college loans, guaranteed by US Tax Dollars) cause Tuition to rise, since colleges charge more when “deep pockets” are available. GORDON'S 2-part SOLUTION: Part-1: At the least, restore both bankruptcy and Truth in Lending to college loans (as “cure”), which, for example, H.R.449, the DeLaney bill, would do. – But as “prevention” is the best medicine, please do part-2, as well: To “prevent” this from making the HigherEd Bubble any bigger, please support reducing college loan limits (e.g., reversing the bad Boehner bill), until all loans were private, like with Credit Cards. – Not only would this (((A))) be “humane” (and pick up LOADS of “swing voters”), but this would also (((B))) not hurt most banks, since most banks are NOT involved in College Loans. Lastly, however, I WARN YOU, Mr. Priebus, if this is not done, the U.S. Dollar – which backs (guarantees) these toxic, Predatory Loans, will CRASH, since College Debt (which has surpassed Credit Card debt for the 1st time ever) is like 1.4 Trillion, almost TEN PERCENT of total national debt!! And, both HigherEd debt and total national debt are growing exponentially. Moreover, current US Bankruptcy Law is Unconstitutional, not only as an Equal Protection violation (remember: I almost won in court for Terri Schiavo, so I know law), but also it violates the 'uniformity clause', as guaranteed by Art.I, Sec.8, Cl.4, of the U.S. Constitution. (But we don't revere the Constitution, any more, now do we?) – Historically, Republicans were AGAINST big subsidies (but anymore the GOP, a bunch of liberal RINO's anymore, don't offer resistance to bad bills like the Boehner bill, which upped the Loan Limits, allowing tuition to bump up against it), and Democrats (who were the ones who supported obscene loan limits) are the only ones who support bankruptcy for college students (thus they get the swing votes). But even Democrats (when they had the Oval Office, House, and Senate right after Pres. Obama got elected) didn't raise a finger to help college students. And, former Sen. Hillary Clinton, who once championed the Student Borrower Bill of Rights (S.3255 - Student Borrower Bill of Rights Act of 2006109th Congress (2005-2006), which was her one and only “good” bill while a Senator), has abandoned this, as she is “bought off” by the banks. (Sadly, most GOP lawmakers are bought off by Big Banks, legally bought off, by campaign contributions, that is.)
If you want to “do the right thing” (which, in this case, would be to advice Mr. Trump, Sen. Pence, and all GOP candidates to advocate the 2 bills in the guest column, below), then here are your tools:
TOOL #1: * "A Polk Perspective: Fix our bankrupt policy on student debt," By Gordon Wayne Watts, Guest columnist, The Ledger, August 04, 2016 – cite: http://www.TheLedger.com/article/20160804/COLUMNISTS03/160809884/1382/edit?p=all&tc=pgall
Cached: http://GordonWatts.com/TheLedger-print-version-WATTS-GuestColumn-Thr04Aug2016.jpg
or: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/TheLedger-print-version-WATTS-GuestColumn-Thr04Aug2016.jpg
TOOL #2: * "Student loan issue teed up for Trump," By Alan Collinge, contributor, The Hill, August 08, 2016, 04:58 pm – cite: http://TheHill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/education/290781-student-loan-issue-teed-up-for-trump
TOOL #3: "Gordon in LAKELAND, Fla," on College Debt, Coast to Coast AM, "Open Line FRIDAY's," top of "Hour 4"; Fri.22-July-2016-PM to Sat.23-July-2016-PM
cite: https://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=-mgY5eoiXg0
cite: https://www.Facebook.com/GordonWayneWatts/videos/vb.1380495131/10207394933536459
Tweet: https://Twitter.com/Gordon_W_Watts/status/757692511968174080
TOOL #4: "Is the Mark Tetzlaff Case Over at the Supreme Court? Maybe Not., Posted by: Gordon Wayne Watts (Guest Post) (Debt Articles, Student Loan Bankruptcy Discharge), GetOutOfDebt.org, March 23, 2016 cite: https://GetOutOfDebt.org/98813/mark-tetzlaff-case-supreme-court-maybe-not
Cache1: http://GordonWatts.com/GordonWayneWatts-column-cache-GetOutOfDebtGuy.pdf
Cache2: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html
TOOL #5: "Why College Prices Keep Rising," By Alan Michael Collinge, Special to The Register | September 16, 2012, originally published at FORBES, on Mar 19, 2012 @ 06:43 AM
cite: http://www.Forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2012/03/19/why-college-prices-keep-rising
cache1: http://GordonWatts.com/#alan [** Read this first: "Why College Prices Keep Rising"]
cache2: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/#alan [Ibid.]
TOOL #6: "Republican Congressman breaks with party, admits college loans deserve bankruptcy," By Gordon Wayne Watts, The Register, Published: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 12:34 p.m., -UPDATED: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 07:41 a.m. (EST-EDT)
mirror-1: http://GordonWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html
mirror-2: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html
mirror-3: http://ThirstForJustice.net/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html
archive: http://Gordon_Watts.Tripod.com/BraveRepublicanBreaksRanksWithGOP-HigheEd.html
TOOL #7: "Column: The student loan crisis that can't be gotten rid of," By Maureen 'Moe' Tkacik, Reuters, News | Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 8:48pm EDT
cite: http://www.Reuters.com/article/us-student-loan-crisis-idUSBRE87E13L20120815
cache1: http://GordonWatts.com/TKacik-column-StudentLoansCrisis.html
cache2: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/TKacik-column-StudentLoansCrisis.html
TOOL #8: "Higher-Ed Tuition Costs: The ‘Conservative’ view is not on either extreme," By Gordon Wayne Watts, The Register, Published: Monday, 28 September 2009 ; Last Modified: Sunday, 29 May 2016
mirror1: http://GordonWatts.com/Higher-Ed-Tuition-Costs.html
mirror2: www.GordonWayneWatts.com/Higher-Ed-Tuition-Costs.html
mirror3: http://ThirstForJustice.net/Higher-Ed-Tuition-Costs.html
archive: http://Gordon_Watts.Tripod.com/Higher-Ed-Tuition-Costs.html
FOOD for THOUGHT for Mr. Priebus & GOP crew:
[1] In Re: GORDON WAYNE WATTS (as next friend of THERESA MARIE 'TERRI' SCHIAVO), No. SC03-2420 (Fla. Feb.23, 2005), denied 4-3 on rehearing. (Watts got 42.7% of his panel) http://www.floridasupremecourt.org/clerk/dispositions/2005/2/03-2420reh.pdf
[2] In Re: JEB BUSH, GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA, ET AL. v. MICHAEL SCHIAVO, GUARDIAN: THERESA SCHIAVO, No. SC04-925 (Fla. Oct.21, 2004), denied 7-0 on rehearing. (Bush got 0.0% of his panel before the same court) http://www.floridasupremecourt.org/clerk/dispositions/2004/10/04-925reh.pdf
[3] Schiavo ex rel. Schindler v. Schiavo ex rel. Schiavo, 403 F.3d 1223, 2005 WL 648897 (11th Cir. Mar.23, 2005), denied 2-1 on appeal. (Terri Schiavo's own blood family only got 33.3% of their panel on the Federal Appeals level) http://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/200511556.pdf
You know that I'm a far-right moral, fiscal, and Constitutional Conservative.
Gordon Wayne Watts,
LAKELAND (between Tampa & Orlando) in the swing-state of Florida, USA///
3. Are you satisfied with Trump’s outreach to minority communities across America?
Yes - except that many minorities are being CRUSHED by unconstitutional predatory-lending college debt (more-so than us Whites), and THIS needs to be addresses - see my prior comments.
4. Do you think we should invest more in advertising to support Donald Trump?
Yes, but only if you use your $$ wisely - and that can only be done when you consider that Education is the BACKBONE of America, and WE HAVE A BROKEN BACK, and I REPEAT my prediction: If you ignore me like I'm a "poor White" idiot, then the U.S. Dollar, which backs these toxic loans, WILL CRASH, and you will deserve us being like Greece, whose economy likewise crashed.
5. Have you personally seen a Trump ad air in YOUR state?
Yes, but only online. The only 'Trump' ads I've seen on TV were from Hillary, and they're anti-Trump, so these don't count.
6. Have you attended a Trump rally in YOUR home state?
No, but only because of lack of time, money, energy, and resources.
8. Should Trump continue to fire back against Hillary’s attacks or run positive ads that show his strength?
10. Which issue do you think Hillary is weakest on?
Hillary no longer stands with college students, and this, if highlighted, will show her true weakness in abandoning the middle class. If you're REALLY serious about exploiting Hillary Clinton's weakness (and the weakness of the Democratic Party, in general), then read all the links I've provided, and if you *don't* read these links, you're a lazy RINO, and America is so sunk. Also, I answer "disagree" on the military question, below, but not because I'm for a weak America: Even the CONSERVATIVE Tampa Tribune (before it went out of business for being uncaring paparazzi) admitted we spend to much on military, since we spend more than like the next 10 or 20 nations COMBINED: We need to stop wasteful spending, and this will be enough to ensure a strong military. Also, I think we *should* close Gitmo: It's liberal excess spending: ship these criminals back to their country, and let them all kill each other, if that's what they want to do, and save ourselves big $$. Be a Ron Paul republican in foreign affairs, and we will save lives: Protect AMERICA, not these other countries: Keep our military boys HOME to protect OUR borders, go it?
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