Gordon Wayne Watts

OPEN Letter to my Congressman: Hon. U.S. Rep. Dennis A. Ross (R-FL-15th). -- Dear Dennis: Regarding your concern for the medical care of our Vets: Thank you -- but: Respectfully, prevention is the best medicine - MEMO from Dr. Ron Paul Friends to Donald J. Trump - with a Bcc to you, Congressman Ross: PLEASE speed-read: Paul says that: "The military budget is something very different from the defense budget." --


My point? I am 'for' a strong military, but *against* nation-building, and our constant conflicts, wars, and boondoggles. We need to get **out** of all these other nations, if they are not directly attacking us. THREE reasons to stop being a 'War Hawk':

1) Costs us AMERICAN BLOOD & LIVES. (prevention is the best medicine here to stop diseases, injury, illnesses, etc.)

2) Costs us HUGE amounts on Tax Dollar$ that we can not afford (in the trillions, actually)

3) Costs is goodwill among other nations: Known as 'Blowback,' it is basically making enemies when they were previously friends. They attack our citizens abroad - and now, at home. -- We need to get out of all our "nation building" sinful behaviour. Source for this: "Paul: Memo to Trump on defense spending," By Ron Paul (Cagle Cartoons) Posted Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 12:01 AM, at The

Lakeland Ledger:


Even the Conservative Tampa Tribune (normally an advocate of a strong national defense) agrees that Congress is spending too much on military--and if too much on military, how much worse are we in blood-debt with our sinful nation-building to support the military complex: Here is a small 'Fair Use' excerpt:

"We believe those threatened cuts of $600 billion over 10 years are too deep. They would weaken the military, including MacDill Air Force Base. But some cuts are necessary, given the size of the budget deficit. And even with the so-called sequester cuts, military spending would remain far above

pre-2001 levels.

Including the costs of current foreign engagements and adjusting for inflation, the U.S. military is spending far more than at any time since World War II, and almost as much as then. Military spending has grown 48 percent in the past 10 years.

The United States is spending about five times what China spends on its military and almost 10 times what Russia spends each year. Let's remember Pearl Harbor, and also remember that times and threats do change."

* http://www.tbo.com/list/news-opinion-editorials/forgetting-pearl-harbor-579832

* ("Forgetting Pearl Harbor," by Staff at the Tampa Tribune and TBO.com, December 07, 2012)

Ron Paul notes: "The question is whether this increase in U.S. military activity and spending overseas actually keeps us safer, or whether it simply keeps the deep state and the military-industrial complex alive and wellfunded...Do we really need to continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars manipulating elections overseas?..Do we need to continue the endless war in Afghanistan even as we discover that Saudi Arabia had far more to do with 9/11 than the Taliban we have been fighting for a decade and a half? Do we really need 800 U.S. military bases in more than 70 countries overseas?"

Gordon Wayne Watts says: NO. Please legislate accordingly. Otherwise, I'm afraid we should prepare for economic collapse in very short order. Then, with our economy in ruins, we will face the wrath of those countries overseas which have been in the crosshairs of our interventionist foreign policy.