You remember me, correct? I'm the guy who almost won in court for Terri Schiavi (the 'feeding tube' girl) - ALL BY MYSELF - doing better than Jeb Bush or Schiavo's own blood family (proving my Conservative credentials) - [1] In Re: GORDON WAYNE WATTS (as next friend of THERESA MARIE 'TERRI' SCHIAVO), No. SC03-2420 (Fla. Feb.23, 2005), denied 4-3 on rehearing. (Watts got 42.7% of his panel) [2] In Re: JEB BUSH, GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA, ET AL. v. MICHAEL SCHIAVO, GUARDIAN: THERESA SCHIAVO, No. SC04-925 (Fla. Oct.21, 2004), denied 7-0 on rehearing. (Bush got 0.0% of his panel before the same court) [3] Schiavo ex rel. Schindler v. Schiavo ex rel. Schiavo, 403 F.3d 1223, 2005 WL 648897 (11th Cir. Mar.23, 2005), denied 2-1 on appeal. (Terri Schiavo's own blood family only got 33.3% of their panel on the Federal Appeals level) ... anyhow ... I saw the contact link on your Spanish translation page ( bottom right corner), but I do NOT see a similar link in THIS page ( - anywhere on the page, and I only "guessed" at the contact link for your English version (and guessed correctly). Anyhow, I attempted to get representation in my Apr 15, 2016 email: and and when I didn't hear back from you, in my follow-up email and (yes, it's addressed to Sen. Nelson, but I used the contact form to email Sen. Rubio.) -- Since you all are tone-deaf and care for the rich, but not the college student (who represent a HUGE voting block!!), I took pains to get The Lakeland Ledger to publish my guest column directed at my Federal Lawmakers: [["A Polk Perspective: Fix our bankrupt policy on student debt," By Gordon Wayne Watts, Guest columnist, The Ledger, August 04, 2016]] and cached here: and --- Moreover, here is an unabridged version: and: Look, I appreciate that Sen. Rubio has a high ranking in Conservative Review, but if he does not introduce companion legislation to H.R.449 (bankruptcy for college loans), which is a Free Market check against predatory lending (read: 'cure') and/or also introduce legislation such as 'H.R.1,' this bill: MIRROR: --- and found in THESE folders: or then I will vote for Patrick Murphey, and recognise him as the more fiscally conservative candidate, one who will use free market checks against predatory lending to stop the higher ed bubble from crashing the US Dollar (which is will do if left unchecked, since higher-ed debt is about 1.5 TRILLION, which is close to TEN PERCENT of total national debt, putting the taxpayer on the hook for these predatory loans). -- How hard is it to cosponsor companion legislation to HR449, which has bipartisan support, or similar legislation, this session? I know you all are busy with ZIKA and a possibly continuing resolution for an appropriation (spending) bill, but look - I've waited long enough: I didn't leave the GOP -- the GOP left me, and if you don't represent me, I will vote for the Democrat, as I vote on the person - not the party - and in spite of Mr. Murphy's problems in other areas (abortion, gay marriage, etc.), he defends LIFE in regard to his likely support for protecting college students from both an illegal monopoly and illegal predatory lending schemes and scams. -- I will wait to see what (if anything) you do before I vote or update my Endorsements section to my own Editorials and -- It's your move - do you want our vote (we are like 45 million strong college loan borrowers) or not? Yours truly, - Gordon Wayne Watts, constituent, LAKELAND (between Tampa & Orlando), FL, USA///